Embark on an exciting journey with the Hermit's Super Quest and seize the
opportunity to claim bountiful rewards!
The Hermit's Peach Tree awaits, opening its branches every week to players
daring enough to take on the challenge.
Event Period:
2024-02-21 00:00 ~ 2024-03-05 23:59 (PST)

1. Choose an empty slot.
2. Select a goal that you want to accomplish
3. You can change your goal anytime - don't worry about commitment!
Hermit's Quest is divided by Daily Goal and Weekly Goal so make sure to
complete them before the quest duration ends.
Daily Goal Quest can list 3 Quest while Weekly Goal Quest can list up to 7 Quest.

Tip: Feel free to refresh the goal list, but remember, refreshes are limited.
You can also select 'Auto' to let the system choose quests for you effortlessly.

1. Progress through your selected goal to unlock rewards.
2. Watch the Peach Tree bloom with peaches based on your achievements.

Tip: The more goals you complete, the more the peaches shake, promising
even greater rewards!

1. Harvest day is on Mondays - time to gather those sweet peaches!
2. Select and obtain one reward from the grown peaches.

Tip: Maximize your rewards by conquering more goals.
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Don't miss out on this weekly opportunity to enhance your Freestyle 2 journey
with Hermit's Super Quest!
Thank you for your continued support.
Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
- Freestyle 2 Team