Event Period: 15/12~12/19 23:59:59
Calling all Newbies and Returnees!
This event is exclusively only for the New Ballers and Comeback players!
Returnees: Ballers who didn't log-in for more than 30 days
Newbies: ballers who created their accounts starting November 15
Event Mechanics:
Complete each missions and get free awesome items!
Log in to Freestyle 2 for the 1st time during the event period and get 1 Legend Card Random box
Stay Log in for 30 mins and get VIP Membership (30D) * 1
Play 6 Matches and get Magic Ball Pkg * 1
Win 9 times and get Card Sub Attribute Changer * 5
Log in to Freestyle 2 for the 1st time during the event period and get 1 3,000 Point Coupon
Stay Log in for 30 mins and get Magic Ball Pkg * 1
Play 6 Matches and get Card Sub Attribute Changer * 5
Win 9 times and get Event Gkash (500) * 1