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Mission System Burning Event

NO.16545 | Date: 2022-12-28 16:00:49

Today, we are bringing you an update regarding the Mission System!

This revamped Mission System will surely encourage everyone!
Double the fun, double the rewards for all Missions!

I. Daily Mission

Mission System Burning Event

Burning Event Date Period:

12/28/2022 ~ 01/10/2023 23:59 PST

- Completing your first Daily Mission will reward you with twice the amount
of rewards during the Mission System Burning Event period!

You can play Daily Missions in each slot for up to 3 times and obtain rewards.

- There's also a mission tracker located on the left side of the screen when
  you're currently in the lobby. Here's how it looks.

- A daily mission can be changed each hour. The cooldown for changing a mission
  will be shared across all slots. Check the preview below as reference.

Missions will be reset at 00:00 daily.
- Rewards will be sent to your Gift Box.

II. Weekly Mission

Weekly Missions will be reset at 00:00 on Mondays.
- Players need to complete weekly missions. Once you've finished the first stage,
  you may claim the rewards and then proceed with the remaining stages.
- Rewards will be sent to your Gift Box.
- Stage Rewards:
a. Stage 1: Premium Sub Att. x3 & Freeticket x100
b. Stage 2: Joker Card Box (Legend) x1 & Freeticket x200
c. Stage 3: AllStar Pro Wish Box x1 & Freeticket x300

III. Monthly Mission

Monthly Missions will be reset at 00:00 on the first day of every month.
- The monthly mission has 4 stages. Players must complete missions until they get
  their 1st stage rewards. You may proceed with the following stages if you wish to
  obtain different set of rewards.
- Rewards will be sent to your gift box.
- Stage Rewards:
a. Stage 1: Premium Sub Att. x5 & Freeticket x100
b. Stage 2: Premium Prism Changer x3 & Freeticket x200
c. Stage 3: AllStarW Mover x1 & Freeticket x300
d. Stage 4: AllStar World Wish Box x1 & Freeticket x400

- FreeStyle2 Team