Greetings Ballers,
Auto Matchmaking function has been added to our game today!
Now you can enjoy 1-2 person room matching and individual lobby matching.
you can check the waiting time for matchmaking through the lobby screen
and access some features of the lobby.
Note: During auto matching, some features may not be available for use.
1. How to enter (You can enter via lobby)
2. or make a team
3. or closed the slot
- You can use the player count dropdown box to change the maximum room
- If the matchmaking player count is 1 or 2, The role groups for teammates are
automatically set based on your character's position.
"During auto matching, team composition will be formed within the available role combinations."
Combinations by Role Group for Auto Matchmaking
4.Combinations by Role Group for Auto Matchmaking
"If the matchmaking waiting time exceeds [100] seconds, the exploration of secondary combinations will be conducted."
"The secondary role combinations cannot be changed."
"Automatic team composition is not possible for roles other than the
specified combinations."
5.Matchmaking Match Booster
If [5] seconds have passed since starting the auto matching, the 'Match Booster'
button will be generated.
- Activating the 'Match Booster' expands the matchmaking search range, allowing
for faster matching, but it may result in teaming up or matching with higher-ranked
*** However, the booster feature CANNOT BE USED when proceeding with
matchmaking through the waiting room."
- Freestyle 2 Team