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EVENTS HOME NEWS EVENTS FS2 Grand Prix NO.18640 | Date: 2024-05-08 05:50:05 Get set for an exhilarating gaming spectacle brimming with excitement and anticipation! Announcing the FS2 Grand Prix, where champions are made and iconic heroes emerge triumphant. Event Period: 2024/05/08 00:00 ~ 05/21 23:59 (PDT) → Purchase Nitro Fuel to use Boosters. **Obtained Booster Fuel will disappear after the event ends. Nitro Fuel Price: Small Dashboard: → When you use Boosters, the speed on the small dashboard will be determined randomly from 10 to 80 km. → The speed will be determined at equal probabilities from between 10, 20, 30.... 80 (total of 8 speeds) Big Dashboard: → The 3 numbers determined on the small dashboard will be added and displayed on the big dashboard. → The grade of rewards to be received will be based on the sum of those speeds. (Obtained rewards will be sent to your Gift Box.) Animation On Booster Draw Preview (Animation Off) Booster Draw Rewards List Glam Winter Outfit (M/F) Blue-Haired Fighter Outfit (M/F) =============================================== Don't miss the chance to drive your way to exciting rewards! Thank you for your continued support. Be free to create your own style, FreeStyle! ~ Freestyle 2 Team Grace's Unique Secret Box Arcana's Package Discount Event LIST