Greetings Ballers,
FreeStyle 2 is a fluid game which boasts a complex and a wide range of different
playstyles in the game. However, there are a few playstyles which rise above the
rest and are distinct in how they are played, namely:
1. Swing
2. Away
3. Iso
4. Pillar
In order to keep the game fresh and interesting, we regularly put out balance
patches to avoid having one dominating playstyle completely steamroll the game.
We would like to stress the freedom of playing and winning with your own style
of playing. As such, we would like to receive any and all feedbacks regarding
the playstyles indicated above.We would like to see which playstyle is fun to play,
or annoying to play against, user opinions about the play pattern, which strategy
or pattern is most preferrable, which strategy or pattern is over balanced and other
similar or other feedback we can get.
We appreciate and are more than happy to receive any feedback we can get from
our playerbase. We will then plan our upcoming balance patch with regards to
the feedback we will receive from our players.
We hope to continue on improving the game that our player will continuously find
every match refreshing and not tedious, competitive, but enjoyable.
Please leave your feedbacks and insights on this link:
Survey Link :