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Crew Update Patch Preparation Notice

NO.16673 | Date: 2023-02-27 15:32:02

Dear Freestyle 2 Players,

This is the Freestyle 2 Development Team.

The Crew content is on the way to be updated in March. For the newly updated
content, we would like to inform you of what needs to be prepared in advance.

1. One Crew for One Account
Unit of Crew subscription will be changed from ‘character’ to ‘account’ now.
This means that after the update, one account can only join one Crew. 
Also, once a character joins a Crew, all other characters in the account will
automatically join the same Crew.

2. Creating Main Crew Name
After the Crew update, the initial main Crew name will be changed to the name
of the “main character” set in your account.
Your Main Crew name can be changed anytime in the Crew main screen.

3. Preparations for Crew Masters
After the Crew update, the status of members that belong to 2 or more Crews
will be set as ‘Selecting Crew’.
Crew members who are selecting a Crew are still counted as a Crew member, 
so if the limit of 250 members is already reached and you need to make space
for new members, you need to either remove those members or wait until they
select a Crew. 

If the Crew Master is selecting a Crew, Crew management will be disabled until
selection is complete.

For 2 months after the Crew update, biweekly adjustments will be made during
maintenance for Crews that have no persons in charge.

1) If the Crew Master moved to another Crew or does not log in
The Crew Master position will be delegated to the Vice Crew Master(1st priority),
Manager (2nd) or a member with the highest contribution level (3rd) among
players who selected the Crew.

2) If no member including the Crew Master logs in or selects a Crew, the Crew
will be deleted after the maintenance at the end of the two-month period.

3) The Vice Crew Master serves Crew Master’s duties during the period.

4. Preparations for Crew Members
After the Crew update, players who belong to 2 or more Crews will need to
select one Crew from the character selection screen.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot enter the game if you do not select a Crew,
so please read the notice and select one Crew before you continue.

Please disregard the information above if you belong to only one Crew or
have yet to join one.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: The Crew Love Letter, Crew Buff and Coins will
also RESET after the update.

The Crew update will proceed within March and we recommend you to finish
preparations by March.

Thank you for your continued support.

Freestyle2 Team