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Crew System Update

NO.16734 | Date: 2023-03-22 12:54:09

We are excited to announce the Crew System renewal, improvements, and updates!
For this notice, we will provide you with important notes and information to get you

For more detailed guide of the UI changes and functions, please visit our
Freestyle 2 Guides section for the FreeStyle 2 Crew System Update

Crew Update

1. With the Crew Update, the first and main Crew Name will be set as the name
of your "main character."

2. Crew Main Page

3. Crew Management

3-1. Crew Manager Settings Page

- Crew positions and titles can be set.

a. Crew Master

- There can only be 1 Crew Master.
- The Crew Master can delegate the crew master position to another member and
appoint a Vice Crew Master and Managers.
- Edit and delete posts from the ‘Crew Notice’ and ‘Crew Sentence Board’.
- Accept crew join requests and send out crew invitations.
- Kick crew members from the crew list.
(You cannot kick a member who is in a higher or same position as you)
  (Position Ranking: Crew Master>Vice Crew Master>Manager> Crew)
- Access Crew Quest and Crew Contribution settings.
- Register recruitment posts and access Crew Mark settings.
- Purchase Crew Buffs.

b. Vice Crew Master

- There can only be 1 Vice Crew Master.
- Vice Crew Master can appoint new Managers.
- Edit and delete posts from the ‘Crew Notice’ and ‘Crew Sentence Board’.
- Accept crew join requests and send out crew invitations.
- Kick crew members from the crew list.
(You cannot kick a member who is in a higher or same position as you)
  (Position Ranking: Crew Master>Vice Crew Master>Manager> Crew)
- Access Crew Quest and Crew Contribution settings.
- Register recruitment posts and access Crew Mark settings.
- Purchase Crew Buffs.
* The Vice Crew Master’s authority over the crew can only be edited by the
Crew Master.
* However, during the Vice Crew Master will play the same role as the
Crew Master during the crew stabilization period (2 months).

c. Manager
- There can be up to 3 Managers. 
- Accept crew join requests and send out crew invitations.
- Kick crew members from the crew list.
(You cannot kick a member who is in a higher or same position as you)
  (Position Ranking: Crew Master>Vice Crew Master>Manager> Crew)
- Edit and delete posts from the ‘Crew Sentence Board’.
* The Manager’s authority over the crew can only be edited by the Crew Master
and Vice Crew Master.

3-2. Crew Recruitment Management

a.  List of Crew Applications

- The date of which the application was sent, the character name of the sender,
and his or her message will be displayed.
- You can turn on/off open recruitment for the crew with the [Recruit Crew Member] button.
- You can send a crew invitation message with the [Crew Invite] button.
* When sending a crew invitation message, the crew’s crew master’s main
character name will be shown on the message.

3-3. Crew List & Crew Mark

a. Crew List

- You can sort the list in the order of: crew creation (oldest, newest) and
by crew size.
- You can enter and search for any specific crew.
* The crew name must be entered exactly to search.
b. Crew Mark

- The Crew emblem is the symbol of the Crew. It is used in the Crew Page.
- You can select the emblem’s layout, design, and color.
- You can access the Crew Mark settings through [Crew Management] >
[Crew Mark].
* Only the Crew Master has access to the Crew Mark.

3-4. Inactive Crew Master Position Delegation

a. Crew Master Position Auto Delegation

- If the Crew Master does not log in for 30 days, the Vice Crew Master
will automatically become the new Crew Master.
* If there is no Vice Crew Master, the Manager with the highest total contribution
will become the new Crew Master.
* If there is no Vice Crew Master or Managers, the crew member with the highest
total contribution will become the new Crew Master.
* If everyone’s contribution is the same, the crew member with the oldest account
will become the new crew master.

4. Crew Shop

- FreeStyle 2 Team