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July 10th Event Conclusion and Adjustment Notice

NO.18731 | Date: 2024-06-26 07:12:45

Dear, Ballers!

This is May.

I hope you've found the Summer Season roadmap helpful. We're excited
to announce a big update coming for the July Summer season!

To get you ready, here's a heads-up about the changes happening on
Wednesday, July 10th. Please check out the details below. We hope these
updates enhance your gaming experience.

Thanks for your attention!

The Character Growth Mode will be discontinued; however, the motion and
Maximum attribute will be preserved. Motions will remain as they were
previously. If the attribute from Growth mode is lower than the character's
default attribute, the default will be applied, and only the excess will be

 C/PF/CT: Power type 
→ SF/SW/SG/DG/PG: Shrewd type, considered standard.
We will be updating the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly missions and rewards.

We are excited to introduce new items to the mission system and are planning
enhancements to ensure you can acquire a diverse range of items. Please note
that due to updates to the mission system in July, there may be changes to your
existing mission progress following the patch on
Wednesday, July 10th.
Beginner quests will be removed. If you are currently working on
beginner missions, please finish them soon to get your rewards.
The mission difficulty in the green user system has been adjusted, and the
rewards based on user level have been significantly increased.

Please be aware that due to updates, there may be changes to your existing
progress following the patch on
Wednesday, July 10th.
The Draft System will end in July. Instead, we will introduce a new
feature allowing you to create Parts Characters directly when making a
After the July update, Part characters will be automatically provided, so
they will be removed from the character category in the Crystal Store.

Attribute parts from the part collection event will be removed.
(Part collection events are the events where regular characters and
magic characters can participate.)
The removed parts will be replaced with unique skills for both regular and magic
characters and attributes be collectively adjusted and paid.

Some rewards will be increased, and current and on-going missions will
be updated.

We know these changes might cause some inconvenience, and we are
preparing appropriate compensation. More details will be provided in an
update notice in July.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during these transitions.
We are committed to improving our service and enhancing your gaming

Please stay tuned for more updates about the changes on July 10th.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Warm regards,

~ May