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Advanced Announcement: Updates to the Character Generation and Equipment Systems

NO.18799 | Date: 2024-08-07 07:19:09

Greetings, This is Freestyle2 Dev!

Just a quick update— as highlighted in our Summer Season Roadmap, we’re
some cool improvements to the equipment and generation system.
Can’t wait to show you what’s coming!

The second part of the GAME CHANGER update on 8/14 (Wednesday)
will be implemented as planned.

This update will include changes to the Character Generation System and
equipment system, which we’d like to inform ballers about in advance.

As these changes are important, we encourage you to review the details
ahead of time to ensure a smooth experience with the game. Please see
below for more information.

1. Patch Date:
 - 2024/08/14 (Wed)

2. Early Announcement:
 - Character Generation System Improvements
 - Equipment system Improvments

[ Character Generation System and Improvements ]

1. Key Points of Changes to the Generating Piece
- You can now generate the latest character coupons and character symbols
using new items, without needing to separate character generating pieces.
- Existing character generation-related items will be consolidated into a new
item called a "Torn Contract"

2. Information on compensation for existing items in your inventory
- If you have any of the above existing items, they will be replaced with a
new item, the "Torn Contract", after the maintenance on
August 14 (Wednesday). The existing items will be deleted following
the replacement.
- The existing items will be exchanged based on the following ratio,
depending on the number of items you hold.

* Please note that the conversion rate has been adjusted and applied differently
from the original item value, taking into account 
the reorganization of the
generation method, the introduction of new goods, and the addition of
new characters that can be created.

3. Information Regarding the Improvements
- If you possess any of the existing items, they will be replaced with a new item,
the "Torn Contract", after the maintenance on August 14 (Wednesday).
- Following the August 14 (Wednesday) update, character generating piece
will no longer be obtainable from combined device packs instead, only
character enhancement piece will be available.

[ Equipment System Improvements ]

1. Key Points of Changes to the Equipment system Improvements
- The equipment system will switch to a seasonal model after
the August 14 (Wednesday) maintenance.
- Existing equipment will be removed and replaced with new gear.
- The main changes are as follows.

2. Information on compensation for existing items in your inventory
- Compensation for existing items will be based on data from before
the August 14 (Wednesday) maintenance.
- Due to the removal of equipment from the previous system,
the new season’s equipment will be replaced with equipment upgrade
material items and distributed accordingly.

A. Equipment Disassembly Piece

B. Equipment and Equipment Boxes in Possession
- Equipment disassembly pieces will be provided based on the grade of the
equipment and equipment boxes that are installed or in possession.

C. Materials Used for Strengthening Existing Equipment
Upgraded and sealed crystals used for strengthening existing equipment
will be converted into equipment disassembly pieces.

D. Quality Change Equipment
The items used for quality changes and those currently in possession will be
converted into equipment disassembly pieces, based on the quantity held.

E.  Sealed Crystals
- The probability of successful strengthening will be increased
from 1% to 2% for rare and legendary items.


Create your own style, Freestyle!
~ Freestyle 2 Team