Get ready for an exciting way to score amazing items in Freestyle 2!
Let's Get It! returns with exciting prizes for you to collect!
Compose your groove and mix your tape to win your desired prizes!
2025/02/05 00:00 ~ 02/18 00:00 (PST)
[1] Purchase Track and use it to draw your desired items.
→ You can click "Reposition" to change your rewards until you get the items you
[2] Use the Track you purchased to perform 1 or 5 draws.
→ You can acquire random products placed on the record plate.
[3] By continuously drawing, you can perform only 2 draw actions of 1 or 5 draws.
→ If the number of items on the plate is reduced, you will be more likely to
acquire them.
[4] If you've completed 1 or more draws, the next reposition is free!
→ We hope you get the product you want in the next item placement.
Thank you for your continued support!
- Freestyle 2 Team