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[Important] About 3rd party program users

NO.218 | Date: 2014-11-04 17:49:57

Greetings Ballers,
No one wants to play with a cheater and no one wants to play a game with cheats and hacks.
Starting next week the FS2 team will be stepping it up and taking extra measure to make sure that
“FreeStyle 2 Basketball” is protected from hackers and cheaters.
Our anti-hack system will be updated thanks to the help of some of our community members that supplied us
with information and links to the illegal software used.
We will also be doing more investigations and permanently suspending any cheater detected by
the automated security system on a regular basis.

This is a warning to all the cheaters and hackers; we will be posting the names of your FS2 account once your account is suspended for cheating.
We have upgraded our hack auto detect system and collected new hack log data from Oct. 22nd to Nov. 3rd. 
Also we have a list of users that are using hack program who were reported by the players of the game.
(Thank you for your cooperation.) 

We will ban those people for 3 days for warning purposes starting tomorrow, Wednesday, November 05, 2014.
If you think that you did not use any illegal 3rd party program but has been banned,
you have to give us report by sending a support ticket, however,  we cannot assure you that the ban will be lifted
because we do have all the game logs so do not send us false report.
Please be informed that from next week,
ANYONE who use hack program will be banned permanently. 

Do not buy or use any third party software. We, the FS2 Team and Ballers do not want
to play with a cheater.
If you know any illegal 3rd party software being used please send us a link and if you suspect anyone
for cheating or using any hacks to gain an unfair advantage, please let us know by reporting them directly to us at:
Let’s all work together to make sure that FreeStyle 2 is safe from cheaters and a fun game to play for everyone.
Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
-Team FreeStyle 2