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Interview with FS2 Supporters

NO.256 | Date: 2014-12-02 23:12:02

GM Nutmeg: Hi All! Last month we searched for new FS2 Supporters while we received quite a numbers of
applications we were finally able to selected 5 ballers that had the qualities that we were looking for. 

I know some of you are asking “What do we mean by Supporters or FS2 Supporters?” Supporters are a few
selected ballers that are active and knowledgeable members of the FS2 community who enjoy playing FS2 a
lot. They have direct contact with the GM team and share ideas for events, updates and event tournament. 
Adieu with long introductions, now we are all ready to introduce the new FS2 Supporters.


GM Dime:Hello Supporters! Since the FS2 community only recognizes you guys by your Forum IDs, Can you tell us something about yourself? Something like, you’re In-game character names, in which server are you playing
and how long have you been playing Freestyle 1 & 2. Let us start with you, Banana Bo.

Banana Bo: Ayo ballers. I'mfrom crew 'CN stars'. I played FS1 2009-2013 on 4game server.
Many people may remember me in epic final of Russian championship 2012 or as one of manager club 'Sparta'.

ChillWill: Okay, I will go next. Hello Hello All, I am Men. I play the NA Server and I am the Owner of Senile
and try to make the best decisions for my crew. I share the ownership of Senile with my brothers, lecrae and
Sanctify. I have been around for awhile and I started when sierra was a disk you could purchase at the store.
I have played sierra, Fs1, and Fs2. I have enjoyed all games. 

GM Winter: You’re next Super2T, Dudi, and Shotclock

Super2T: I am the manager of Cn Stars in Eu Server. I played FS1 since 2006 till it shuts down.
For FS2, I am also a newbie and i started playing it since beta test on Gamekiss.

Dudi: Well I'm Dudi, SG at the moment. I'm playing on EU server and am a NewRise. I played FS1 since 2010
(as far as i remember) till it shut down on Gamekiss and I was playing FS2 only on GK, so Im kinda new there.

Shotclock: What’s up ballers, my name is Shotclock, my main position used to be SG but I switched over to
a PF{Compulsion}.My Shotclock is retired, that’s why many of you haven’t seen me around lately.
I currently play in the USA server.

MVP: I guess it is my turn, Hi, all FS2 players.I am a supporter [FS] MVP. I play in North America server.
My main positions in game are PG-'Assists' and C-'Helper'(OP!Mr.K). Also, I am the one of co-founders of
Project Away crew in NA server. I started playing FS1 since an open beta in Korea server, 2004.
Then I left FS1 for years but came back for FS2 in June,2014. I love FS2. This is the best game for me.

GM Swift: Thank you MVP! How about you, Eye See You, Revenge and Infamous?

Eye See You: Hiya, I am Blue-Eye/ Left-Eye.
I play NA Server. I am the owner of #TeamBruh. Check us out on
I have played sierra FS1, 2weeks before it closed, and started playing FS2 2weeks after Open Beta.

Revenge: Hey guys! My nickname in game is Revennge. I play in EU server in CN Stars crew.
I've been playing FS1 for 4 years until Russian server closed down and I am active member of FS2
community since closed beta in Gamekiss.

Infamous: Yo! It's me, Uninstall. I started playing FSSB 1 occasionally when I was abut the 6th grade.
Now i'm in my senior year of high school. You might remember me as SunMolecule. A decent PG I
once was, but now my main is PF in FSSB 2. I've familiarized myself with the new game over the course
of closed beta in early 2014. After my crew Bruh joined with Senile, Unity was formed and i'm now
a part of that crew. 

GM Dime:
I am sure that ballers will now identify you as a supporter in game.Because your in-game name will
have [FS] tag, just like what GM has. Now, can you tell us your role in FS2 Supporters team?

Eye See You:
Sure! My role of being a supporter is to have the FS Community active, as much as possible.

My role as a supporter is simple: apply my creativity to the FS Supporter team.
I give my opinions to various topics, provide alternatives and support, and also complete the tasks
that are asked of me by the GM's.

Revenge: As a supporter I will try to help you with anything that bothers you in this game.
Moreover, I like to brainstorm and give ideas to GM's to make this game more enjoyable for you all!
If you have any good ideas, do not hesitate to PM me. I will make sure that your voice would reach out
to the higher ups!
Shotclock: As one of the FS2 supporters my primary goal is to develop event ideas which we can
all enjoy. I also monitor the forums in order to facilitate the GM’s job and help out the FS2 community.
Super2T: As a supporter, I will help GMs maintain the forum, give suggestions on events and tell them
the concerns of you ballers. When you have any problems, you may choose to tell us supporters first.
If we could not solve it, we will forward it to GMs.

Dudi: As a supporter, I'll be answering player questions about the game, tactics, and errors and so on,
help with organizing events, translate the GK news to the Russian community.
As Super2T said, u can address supporters with a problem and we either help or forward it to our GMs.

ChillWill:  My role on the support team is to bring new ideas to the table. I would like to assist the Gms
whenever they need. 
Banana Bo: As supporter my role is: mentoring, holding supporters event / user-tournaments,
translating and sharing news to Russian community, improving FS2 via suggestion interesting ideas
to GM's team. So ballers, if you have any questions/problem/ideas related to the game,
please don't hesitate to contact me.
MVP: I often check 'Tip' forum. I like to provide my knowledge for other players.
Strategic play and lockdown defense is the key to win. I am going to upload videos tointroduce
strategies & defensive tips.

GM Winter: It is good to hear that most of you wanted to help other community members
and like to assist new players. I wanted to know, how do you want to contribute to the community as a FS Supporters?

Banana Bo:
I want to improve FS2 for everyone and make community even better!

Super2T: Mostly importantly, I would like to contribute to the community by helping ballers improve
their skills. (Though I am not an expert ). I believe you will really start to enjoy this game when you know
how to play strategically and are able to beat stronger teams. So don't hesitate to ask me any questions
about how you may improve your game plays. I will try to give you my best suggestions.
ChillWill: As a supporter I want to be able to ball and have a clean court so I will try to keep the forums
clean and the in game chats clean as much as possible. I would attend every event that's posted/under
the radar such as smaller events. If the community has any ideas don't hesitate to message me in game
or on forums.

Dudi: I'd love to help the community with every event that’s held, from forum events to in-game
tournaments. And for sure, I'll be glad to help players with any question so feel free to ask me in game
and on forum on any topic you want. I'll answer as soon as i read your messages.
Eye See You: I will be trying to have as many & various amount of events, hosted by us FS Supporters.
So just stay tuned. #EyeSeeYou #TeamBruh
Infamous: My role as a supporter to the community is to give advice and help new players understand
the basics of the game. Mind you, I don't take petty mistakes kindly. I try to further expand the community
by motivating others to immerse and try the game.
Shotclock: I have been playing FS1 and FS2 since ancient times, all the way back
to Sierra CBT. I’m hoping to bring my knowledge in order to help out the community as I previously stated.

Revenge: I would like to contribute to this community by helping with events, giving strategical
advices and being your mentor if needed.

MVP:  will answer your questions and help you to be the better. When you want to know something,
I will be around you guys. Winning the game requires practice!



GM Lucy: Thank you Supporters for taking some time answering these questions. We know that you guys did
not apply for this position just for the title and rewards that you will be receiving. We all have one goal and that is to improve FS2 for everyone and make the best basketball MMO even better!
We just want to remind all the ballers that if you want to learn more and looking for some tips in playing, you can check the tips section of our forum and our supporters are there waiting to help you!


Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
-Team FreeStyle2 & FS2 Supporters