to a maximum of 50%!
Receive rewards whenever you reach a certain level of likeability!
Rewards for reaching certain percentage of Likeability!
[30% Likeability]
Warrior Brion's Secret Pack Bundle
- Device Secret Pack x20
- Enhancing Device Secret Pack x20
[60% Likeability]
Sorceress Luna's Card Box
- Sub Att x5
- Protector x5
- Premium Sub Att Piece x1
[90% Likeability]
Elf Charlotte's Gacha Ball Bag
- Item Ball x3
- Card Ball x5
- Point Ball x7
Get the exclusive back attachment outfit of the character you chose when reaching
100% Likeability!
Outfit Preview:

When likeability reaches 100%, you can reset to receive the rewards all over
- Freestyle 2 Team