We would like to present Starlight 2nd member: Daniel! Want to know more
about him?
*** The wait is finally over! The comeback stage of XXX starts now! ***
Applause, cheers, and spotlight towards a singe spot.
[10-year-old Daniel]: Wow, it's amazing ... Can I be like them...?
The little boy's eyes sparkle with hopes and dreams.
He spent every day practicing dancing and singing toward his dream of becoming
a singer.
His efforts began to pay off as time went by and he finally took a step closer to
his dream as he joined the trainees at Idol Entertainment. Reality stuck Daniel when
he realized he had to practice every day in sweatsoaked clothes in an endless
competition for survival, but he endured with only one thought
- achieving his dream.
As if mocking Daniel's efforts, the dream of debuting as a singer got delayed by
days, months, and even years. After a long wait, he finally succeeded in debuting
as a singer.

Event Duration:
03/15 00:00 ~ 04/01 23:59 (PDT)
Event Mechanics:
Event Currency:
Reward List:
An Epic Reward is guaranteed for every 550 draws!
- Daniel Character Coupon
- Daniel's Showcase Gift
- Fx Freestyle Legend Wish Box
- Master Prism Changer
- Premium Sub Attribute

Daniel's Transformation:

Here's the character details of Daniel. You may also select up to 5 transformation
stats of your choice.
Transformation Ability
- Transformation Stat Settings (Select up to 5 stats of your choice.)
- ‘+’ attributes will be granted to 5 attributes that were selected upon
character transformation, and ‘-’ attributes will be granted to those
that were not selected.
NOTE: Transformation skills can be partially adjusted when a
balance patch is implemented.
It's up to you whether you want to improve her overall Transformation
Stats/Attributes or make your Daniel character deadly from beyond the arc
by selecting attributes that would improve his shot success rate.
Explore Daniel's capabilities and feel free to experiment with the listed attributes.
- Training Points +15
- Radiance!: Extra attribute (+8)
- Darkened Daniel: Daniel obtains the transformation ability.
- Desperado (with Daniel): Daniel obtains exclusive Transformation Skills.
Daniel's Exchange Shop:
Daniels Character Information:
Don't miss the chance to add this amazing SPC to your collection!
- FreeStyle 2 Team