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Equipment System Improvement

NO.18819 | Date: 2024-08-14 11:04:47

Get ready for a major upgrade in our Equipment System!

We’re excited to introduce the new Attribute Gems, bringing a fresh way to
enhance your character’s attributes. 

Here’s everything you need to know:

Starting August 14 update, the Equipment will be renamed 'Attribute Gems'.

Button Preview:

You may also refer to the table below containing information about the
new Attribute Gem system.

> Season 1 End Date: December 31, 2024

> When a season changes, all items related to Attribute Gems
in possession will be reset.

> The balance of attributes may be adjusted when the season changes.

Example 1:
Slot types and the types of Attribute Gems that can be equipped.
Example 2: Activation conditions of Attribute Gems and attribute values.

For existing items depending on the enhancement level,
will be exchanged for Attribute Gem Coins. Please refer to the table below.

-- What Are Attribute Gems? --

1. Seasonal Enhancements:
Attribute Gems are seasonal items designed to enhance your character’s


-- How to Obtain Attribute Gem Coins? --

> Disassemble Attribute Gems: You can obtain Attribute Gem Coins by
disassembling Attribute Gems. These coins can be exchanged for desired items
at the Attribute Gem Shop, accessible from the Attribute Gem menu.

> Mission System and Freeticket Shop: Attribute Gem Coins can also be obtained
through the Mission System and the Freeticket Shop.

-- How to gear up your new Attribute Gems? --

> Navigate to your Attribute GemTab/Screen, choose the item, and then click the
check button.

-- How to upgrade your Attribute Gems? ---

> Navigate to your Attribute Gem Tab/Screen, access 'Manage Attribute Gems,'
choose the item you wish to upgrade, and then click on the upgrade button.
(Ensure that you unequip the unlocked Attribute Gem before upgrading it)

> All Attribute Gems can be upgraded and disassembled, and
successful upgrades increase attributes.
> The success rate and the required materials for upgrade vary according
to the gem grade.

> When upgrade fails, it remains on the same level status.
> Upon upgrade failure, a certain amount of upgrade materials may be
returned to you.
> From certain grades and levels, you can use the Sealed Crystals,
which increase the success rate.
> Materials used for upgrade and sub upgrade materials are consumed
regardless of whether the upgrade succeeds or fails.

2. Types and Slots:
There are three types of Attribute Gems, each of which can be equipped in
one of three slots: Hair, Top, or Bottom.

I. Attribute Gems: Hair

II. Attribute Gems: Top

III. Attribute Gems: Bottom

3. Activation Conditions:
Each Attribute Gem has unique activation conditions. When these conditions are
met during gameplay, the gem’s attributes are granted.

NOTE: You cannot equip multiple gems with the same activation conditions.

4. Duration:
The attributes granted by the gems last for a specified period, which depends
on the gem's grade.

We have prepared a sample preview of each attribute gems with unique
activation conditions. Please check the preview below.

Note: Only One (1) attribute is applied for every match.

5. Enhancement and Disassembly:

Enhance your Attribute Gems to increase their attributes. Disassemble them to
receive "Attribute Gem Coins," which can be exchanged for various items at the
"Attribute Gem Shop".

Attribute Gem Upgrade Level Example

Used / Possession Item

Enhancement Level

Minimum/Maximum Attribute for Enhancement

Disassembly Preview:

Attribute Gem Shop:

For more details on the Equipment System Changes,
please visit our Pre-Notice Update below:
Don’t miss out on these exciting new features! Enhance your gameplay
with Attribute Gems and experience a new level of customization and power.
Be free to create your own style, Freestyle!
~ Freestyle 2 Team