made during the month of September 2023.
Please check the following details regarding the latest changes and updates.
Here's a newly added feature where you can transfer Freestyles among characters on the same account.
Use Freestyle Mover item for moving Freestyles among characters.
You can move Freestyles by using Freestyle Movers of the same grade:
Rare, Legendary, and Allstar.
- Freestyle Mover is a character-based, but will be changed to account-based on
the following weeks
- There are certain Freestyles that cannot be moved.
*The same 5-star Freestyle and set cannot be moved.
*Rental characters and specific characters freestyle are not allowed to move.
You can obtain Freestyle Movers from the Collection System.
Here's a preview of how to move a Freestyle to another character
of the same account.
You can now change your Lv. 5 Freestyle set effects with the newly added
Freestyle Set Wish Changer!
You can obtain the Freestyle Set Wish Changer from the Collection System.
Note: Freestyle Set Wish Changer is an character-based, but will be changed
to a account-based on the following weeks.
Here's a preview on how to change the Freestyle Set:
Set List:
- You can use Freestyle Set Shuffle to change Lv. 5 Freestyle Set options.
Freestyle Set Shuffle can be obtained via the Shop - ETC section.
- You can change set options when you have 3 Lv. 5 Freestyles equipped.
Note: Freestyle Set Shuffle is an account-based
- One resource will be consumed upon changing a Freestyle Set, and more
resources can be obtained through events and purchases.
TIP: The more Lv. 5 Freestyles you own, the easier it is to obtain your desired set options!
Change Freestyle Set (Guaranteed)
- Upon using Freestyle Set Shuffle, the Guarantee Gauge will go up.
- The gauge will increase by 1 for every Freestyle Set Change.
- After changing FS Set 99 times, the next Freestyle Set Shuffle you use will
obtain a random 3 options of the same set.
Set Effect List:
The freestyle, which is additionally activated when three Lv. 5 set effects
are matched, has previously been changed from Lv. 4 to Lv.5.