Check out the details on how to activate Team-Up Effects and maximize
your game!
→ The Team-Up System is designed to provide additional stat benefits to
beginner and casual players when they play in specific team compositions at
the start of a match.
→ Core players who are already familiar with the gameplay or those utilizing
specific tactics will not receive these benefits.
→ The Team-Up System accumulates balance data and may be adjusted
or improved through balance patches.
How to Check and Set Team-Up Effects
[1] GSP applies only to the Amateur version
→ GSP exists only in the Auto-matching [Amateur] version of the Regular
match channel.
→ Click the Check Team Up’ button located below the [Match Start]
button to check the status.
[2] Setting Method
→ Team-Up effects are automatically applied when the conditions are met.
Team-Up Effect Benefits
1. The conditions required to receive Team-Up effects must be met.
2. When playing with a designated team composition, Team-Up stat boosts
are automatically applied.
3. Once the match starts, the stat boosts will take effect.
Eligible team compositions that receive Team-Up effects can be checked in-game.

Important Notes:
→ The Team-Up System applies to the Pro Channel, Amateur Channel
auto-matching, and private team matchmaking with 1-2 players.
(It does not apply to Tournament Channels, Tournaments, or
Domination Mode.)
→ In the Amateur Channel, the system checks Team-Up conditions only after
a match is found; before that, it will be displayed as inactive.
→ The system will not apply if matched with AI in the Amateur Channel.
→ In the Pro Channel, Team-Up effects are determined based on the average
MMR of the three characters in the room. Teams with a high average MMR
will not receive benefits.
→ The system evaluates skill levels based on the highest MMR character
within a user’s account, relative to the current character’s position in the
waiting court.
→ If there is a large gap between low MMR and high MMR users,
benefits will not be applied.
→ If the skill gap among team members is too large, the Team-Up System
will not activate.
→ Detailed Team-Up conditions can be checked via the Team-Up pop-up.
→ If a team is eligible for the Team-Up System, the Team-Up effect will
be displayed after the entrance scene.
→ Eligible team compositions for Team-Up effects are pre-defined
and may be adjusted through balance patches.