Did you ever get a card drop on one of your characters that would be perfect
for one of your other characters? Use the Card Mover!
The card mover is a unique item that can be bought at the shop that is used
in the Card Transfer Section in the Cards Tab to move cards.

Only cards of the Legendary rarity can be moved. As of the Mid-March Patch, All
Star Pro and World Cards can be moved. The Card Movers can be purchased at
the In-game Store or in the Card Transfer Tab.

The moving process is easy! Just select which card you want to move and
purchase a card mover on the tab and select which character you wish to
send the cards to.
Please take note that you can only transfer your cards three times per month. If you
have used up all three chances, you will have to wait a month for the mover entries
to be replenished. This chances of card moves are shared by ALL characters in the
account. So please be careful when moving cards!
We hope this guide helped you out!